How old is Barbara Ciara? When is Barbara Ciara's birthday? Where is Barbara Ciara born? Where did Barbara Ciara grow up from? What's Barbara Ciara's age?
Barbara Ciara Born: July 27, 1956 (age 66years), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Is Barbara Ciara married? When did Barbara Ciara get married? Who's Barbara Ciara's married to? (Who's Barbara Ciara's husband / wife)?
Barbara Ciara Spouse: Arthur Jarrett, Jr.
Barbara Ciara joined the WTKR News 3 team in July of 2000 and can now be seen weekdays 4pm to 6pm on News 3.
Barbara Ciara joined the WTKR News 3 team in July of 2000 and can now be seen weekdays 4pm to 6pm on News 3.